De site voor het scorebord op uw tennisbaan / The webshop for a scoreboard on your tenniscourt / Webshop für die Anzeigetafel auf Ihre Tennisplatz
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About Seebright Score BV

Seebright Score BV specializes in the manufacturing and suplply of tennis scoreboards.

The scoreboards are characterized by clearly visible flaps that indicate the score.

Due the shape and color, the flaps can also seen from a great distance. There is a choice of various models: on a netpost, on a heavy or light base, on fencing and the top model with advertising signswhere your sponsors are clearly visible.

All scoreboards are available with and without protective adge.

The parts of all the scoreboards can also be suppleidseparately so that your scoreboard can alwaysbe repaired, which is also better 1for the enviroment.